NERSC Submission Examples ========================= Pantheon Example ------------------- This bash script will run the Pantheon example in the CosmoSIS Standard Library. Put this in a text file, e.g. `pantheon.sub`, and then submit with `srun pantheon.sub`. This particular example is quick and small enough for the debug queue:: #!/bin/bash # The line above must be the first of the script # You can use debug for jobs of less than 30 minutes. #SBATCH --qos=debug # Wall-clock time limit #SBATCH --time=00:10:00 # See for info on numbers # of nodes you can have in different queues. One node would be # fine for this particular task as it's really fast. #SBATCH --nodes=2 # Run on Haswell CPUs. I haven't tried KNL, it might work. #SBATCH --constraint=haswell # This assumes you want the LSST NERSC account #SBATCH --account=m1727 # This can be anything you like. #SBATCH --job-name=pantheon-cosmosis # Job output will be sent to pantheon-cosmosis.log #SBATCH --output=%x.log # You will get an email when the job completes or times out #SBATCH --mail-type=END # Now the actual work .... # Let's run with 4 threads per process. Each node has 32 cores, # so if we use 2 nodes that's 64 cores total, so we want 64/4 = 16 processes. # There's also the "hyperthread" thing which could let us have twice as many, # but the instructions about that are mixed - somewhere it says not to use it. # We export OMP_NUM_THREADS so that it is used internally in camb and elsewhere. # NUM_PROCESSES we just use below to tell srun how many tasks to launch # It is worth exploring the best numbers to use for your specific chains. NUM_PROCESSES=16 export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4 # Run the setup script source $CFS/des/zuntz/cosmosis-global/setup-cosmosis-nersc # Launch the program. Don't forget the --mpi flag! srun -u -n ${NUM_PROCESSES} --cpus-per-task ${OMP_NUM_THREADS} cosmosis examples/pantheon.ini --mpi